Babette has a new Princess Smartypants competition running.

WIN a free signed Princess Smartypants picture book! Babette has a new Princess Smartypants competition running. It closes on 14th February. Answer this question: What is the name of her wicked Uncle in “Long Live Princess Smartypants?” (pic attached)...

The Wildest West Country Tale of James Rabbit and the Giggleberries!

Wow ! So good to have finished my new 32 page picture book The Wildest West Country Tale of James Rabbit and the Giggleberries! I am still recovering from weeks of very late nights / mornings in order to get it finished for my wonderful publisher Ron Johns at Marecron...


  Puffin are no longer to publish future Princess Smartypants books ! My new one, fourth in the series and the best one yet – “Princess Smartypants to the Rescue” has been rejected by Puffin after 28 years of a very successful publishing career...

This is not good news for authors but it was coming.

“This is a reflection of the government’s closure of libraries and a swing toward e books. It is important we all support our local libraries.” PLR: authors share smaller pot 22 January 2014 Authors have today received their Public Lending Right...

Someone in the Postal Service needs to be rewarded

A letter from the Post Office. This is absolutely the best!! We don’t know who replied, but there is a beautiful soul working in the dead letter department who understands LOVE. Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my...