Please allow a maximum of 28 days for delivery. We will notify you by email to confirm when your order has been dispatched. Please note that payment is taken when you place your order and is not an indication that your goods have been dispatched.
Postage and packaging costs vary depending on the delivery location, and on the total cost of the goods ordered:
UK: £5 per order
Europe: £10.00 per order
International: £30.00 per order
Delivery is inclusive of Tracking and Insurance via our chosen courier (Royal Mail, UPS etc).
If we are unable to fulfil an order for out of print, limited edition or rare items due to lack of availability then we will contact you straightaway to find out what you would like to do.
Please unpack your goods immediately on receipt to check their condition. We recommend that you unwrap and flatten rolled prints carefully as soon as possible.
These notes are taken from our Terms and Conditions of Supply. To see the full document click here.