Due to changes made owing to the merger of Random House and Puffin Children’s Books my old friend Fiona Macmillian and M.D of Random House Children”s Books just told me she is leaving on May 13th.
My present editor for my new book for RHP *GRRR!”, Emil Fortune , has fled to Egmont and starts next week! Sue Boswell will be taking over from him.
I am told due to changes the Random House Puffins do not want to publish my new “Princess Smartyopants to the Rescue” as they are cutting down on the number of books they publish and making 13 people redundant in editorial.
I am doing Hay Festival on 25th May and publicity at RH will not sponsor my travel and accommodation due to changes!
What is going on ?
I have made these two publishers millions over the years and they can’t find £200?
Are they cutting back because print books are giving way to their digital versions?
Why are they streamlining when they are the richest and biggest publisher of Children;s Books in the world now?
What has happened to the “Author Care” they prided themselves in for many years.
Are we only going to see Celebrity Publishing and block busters books published in Children’s at PRH?
Have my publishers lost the plot?
If so thank heavens I am working for smaller publishers like Mabecron (James Rabbit and the Giggleberries) and self publishing with my own digital imprint Inky Sprat.
Oh Dear
Lots of love
Babette xxx